You have received an injection of local anesthetic and corticosteroids. The local anesthetic effect typically lasts 4-6 hours. It may take 3–7 days for the corticosteroids to reach optimal effect. Please pay close attention to the following information/instructions:
- You may not drive for 12 hours after your injection.
- It is common to experience mild soreness at the injection site(s) for 24-48 hours. Ice is the best remedy. You may apply ice for 20 minutes at a time several times a day as needed.
- 3. Avoid heat to the injection area for 72 hours. No hot packs, saunas, or steam rooms during this time. A regular shower is OK.
- You may immediately restart your regular medication regimen, including pain medications, anti-inflammatory, and blood thinners.
- Please remove the sterile dressing/band-aid tonight or tomorrow morning. Do not leave it on after you have taken a shower or gotten wet.
- Corticosteroid side effects can occur after this injection, but they usually resolve after several days. These side effects can include flushing,hot flashes, mild palpitations, insomnia, water retention, feeling anxious/restless, or headaches.
- While it is extremely rare to get an infection after a spinal procedure, please call the office if you develop any signs of infection. These signs include fevers/chills, severely increased pain, redness at the injections site, or any drainage from the injection site.
- Remember that the corticosteroid benefit (long-term pain relief) from an injection can take as long as 10 days to occur. You may have a period of slightly increased pain after your injection before the cortisone takes effect.
- You may resume all of your normal daily activities 24 hours after your injection.
- It is OK to restart your exercise or physical therapy program as soon as you feel comfortable doing so.
- Please complete the pain diary given to you after your injection. The information you provide on this diary is used to guide your treatment plan.
- You should schedule a follow-up visit in 2-3 weeks to review your response to this injection.
- Please bring your pain diary with you to this appointment.
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